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Premium synthetic mortar emulsion that offers high flexibility, increased adhesion to the substrate and water impermeability in ready-made as well as in traditional mortars. Replaces the mixing water or part of it in cement-based, brushable waterproofing slurries, cement-based tile adhesives as well as other cementitious mortars.


Plastic containers of 1kg, 5kg, 10kg and 20kg




You can use it with all traditional and ready mortars:

  • Masonry mortar: improves adhesion of mortars.
  • Plasters: It improves adhesion, strength and waterproofing. In particular, it is recommended for use with SV1 sprayed primer plaster, when applied on difficult surfaces, such as smooth or fair-face concrete, etc. For this purpose, replace part of the water with MP 20.
  • Adhesives: It increases the adhesion and moisture resistance of adhesive products. It strengthens grouts against moisture and frost while increasing their mechanical strength. It creates a suitable surface for adhesion to non-absorbent surfaces such as old tiles, marble, mosaics, etc. It is an essential primer for gypsum plasters which are about to be lined with tiles. It prevents shrinkage and capillary cracks during setting of the cementitious mortars.
  • Waterproofing, brushable mortars: It improves waterproofing and flexibility of the mortar.
  • Stuccos: It increases strength and improves adhesion.
  • Επίσης μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί ως αστάρι πάνω σε σκυρόδεμα, τούβλα ή παλαιότερο κονίαμα αραιωμένο με νερό (50 – 100% νερό), πριν την εφαρμογή κάποιου κονιάματος. Οι εξωτερικοί βορινοί τοίχοι κατοικιών εάν ασταρωθούν προστατεύονται από την υγρασία. Ιδιαίτερη προσοχή θα πρέπει να λαμβάνεται, ώστε η εφαρμογή του κονιάματος να γίνεται πριν το στέγνωμα της επάλειψης.
  • Ως σταθεροποιητής επιφανειών σκυροδέματος με ανάμιξη 1/1 με νερό. Απόδοση 6-8 m² ανά λίτρο μίγματος.


  • Improves elasticity
  • Offers water impermeability
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Δεν είναι τοξικό
Package (kg)

1, 5, 10, 20

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